If you’re feeling frustrated because of weight gain due to menopause, thyroid problems, insulin resistance or PCOS, and no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to work….
And you hear the same old comments from friends, family and so-called experts, time and time again….
❌ “Everything in moderation”
❌ “Eat less, move more”
❌ “Eat mindfully”
❌ “You just need to stop eating so much”
❌ “Just have one piece of chocolate, not the whole bar”
❌ ”Lower your fat intake”
❌ ”Eat from a small plate”
❌ ”Eat your vegetables first”
The list goes on….
They have no idea of the battles going on in your head…
The intense hunger.
The roller coaster of cravings and defeat.
The preoccupation with food.
The comfort eating and bingeing when triggered.
And you think it must be all your fault, because these people have never struggled with their weight. It must just be you. You’re the problem…
“You must be lazy”
“You must be greedy”
“You have no will power”
Feel free to add your own self-flagellating comments for good measure.

Well, it’s not your fault. And you are not broken. You are the same shining star that you were at birth and will be when old. You have the same soul. And it’s whole and pure and perfect.
Hunger is controlled by hormones and on top of that, your lizard brain, the primitive, non-rational part of your brain that governs survival at whatever cost, will tell you that unless you eat, you will starve to death…..
Which means that hunger will ALWAYS, ALWAYS win.
At whatever cost.
Therefore, any weight-loss plan, if it is to work long-term, rather than a quick fix, needs to address both hunger, hormones, and the lizard brain.
Something that the “lower your fat and get some exercise” brigade just don’t understand….
Fat is needed for healthy hormones and exercise increases appetite. Which means that if you have a low-fat diet and exercise like crazy, your hunger will ramp up even more and you're guaranteed to fall at the first hurdle.
If this strikes a chord with you, and you are ready for real, genuine, nutrition and lifestyle coaching to get off this merry-go-round, then click below and let’s get cracking.
I'd love to help you xxx