yesterday I was mulling over how long my process of healing has taken, and all the up’s and down’s along the way. I got quite tearful, as it’s been quite a journey.
And then I looked at what I have achieved health wise, and although I certainly haven’t got all my ducks in a row, I feel better at 54, than I have done all my life.
I’m not joking!
So, I just wanted to check in with you, and see how you are doing? Do you give health and healing a go for a few days, then get demoralised and give up, because you haven’t seen the benefit yet, or because long-term change is too overwhelming?
I can relate. I’ve been there, seen it, done it and got the T-shirt!
The struggle is real!

So, what’s the secret to sticking at it?
Slowing down. Then slowing down some more. Seriously, stop rushing!
Slowing down gives you the opportunity to observe your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and by doing so, you can recognise your habits, and identify your values. What is really important to you.
A massive learning curve for me was when I realised my people pleasing tendencies. Not wishing to upset others, and therefore eating and doing things that didn’t make me feel good, just so that I didn’t rock the boat. Another major learning curve was to realise that thoughts are like clouds passing in the sky, and I don’t need to believe or act on those thoughts. I can just observe them, and watch them drift away. Particularly if they don’t align with my values.
Slowing down enables us to take one moment at a time and make one choice at a time. Not looking ahead to the future, or fixating on the past, because neither of those can be influenced, but your choice right now, right this second, can be.

Busyness is toxic to healing
Push back hard! There are no medals for being busy. Busyness keeps us away from being in the present moment and unable to observe our true values and beliefs. It creates chaos, stress and rushed decisions, leading us to make choices we later regret. Busyness lines the pockets of our employers, but can send us to an early grave. You deserve more. And you are entitled to health.

Give yourself compassion
We give compassion to others freely, but we tend to sit in judgement on ourselves. You can make a conscious decision not to do this.
You can make that choice.
It is under your control.
Whatever you have done, or not done. Whatever you have eaten or not eaten.
You are human and you deserve love and understanding.
Finally, I’ll end with a quote
"I hope beautiful things happen to you and when they do, I hope you can believe you are worthy of every single one of them." - F.E. Marie